What is M2MProjects?

M2MProjects is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number: 1153610). M2MProjects' mission is to improve access to medical education.
It incorporates two projects: (1) Medics2Mongolia, (2)Makeit2Medicine

  1. Medics2Mongolia offers free and flexible medical elective placements to Mongolia where current medical students can spend longer than two weeks (length varies) practising and learning medicine in an exciting and rapidly developing country. During these placements our medical students deliver structured English programs to Mongolian doctors, allowing them to consult with English-speaking patients, apply for conferences, fellowships and bursaries, and have access to the most up-to-date English medical resources to help improve healthcare.
  2. Makeit2Medicine provides educational workshops and interviews in schools and colleges to challenge stereotypes and provide inspiration for a successful medical application. The aim is to improve equality and diversity amongst medical schools to improve healthcare. Currently 80% of all medical students within university come from only 20% of schools!